Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Recycling Old Wine Barrels

David Hardy helped us out by dragging two old barrels out of our underground Wine Cellar and cutting them in half.

He had more than adequate supervision from Clive, Charmaine Tuck-Lee and Wendy the Garden Goddess.  Wendy and Charmaine were here exploring the gardens and beginning their planning for a proposed garden visit day as a fundraising event for CanAssist. 

The half barrels will soon be planted with dwarf fruit trees and herbs in readiness for summer, adding another component into The Main Courtyard.  For more on The Main Courtyard click here


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Thanks grandwine ... hope to see you here one day

  3. hello Michael
    Did you think to put wheels under them? I did it for my barrels for my lemon and orange tree, I must keep them inside in winter! Choose BIG wheels, it's so heavy!
    Fortunatly, I'd not to make it for my wine!!!

  4. Johala, I love that idea. We will see what we can do.
