Friday, April 22, 2011

The Irish Yews in the Horse Paddock

This Irish Yew, Taxus baccata Fastigiata,  was the first to be planted in The Horse Paddock.

The yew is a universal symbol of regeneration, transformation and rebirth. Today is Good Friday, the commencement of the Easter period; branches of the yew tree have traditionally been used in the celebration of Easter and in the ancient festivals upon which the Easter rituals were based. This is a tree with a very long story indeed.

We are propagating more Irish Yews from cuttings.  The plan is that that in time they will be a major feature of this arboretum, marking the points of the compass around the central, circular lawn.  For more about this,  read the section entitled A Special Project on the page Propagating Plants at The Drip.


  1. I really hope that 'Horse Paddock' doesn't mean there are actually horses where you are planting Yew trees as only a few bites of yew can kill a horse within minutes.....

  2. No horses there anymore, just our arboretum. Many years ago the paddock was used for horses and where we created the circular lawn used to be a circular pen for breaking and training the horses. We decided to continue calling it The Horse Paddock just to maintain a link with the history of this place.
