Saturday, January 1, 2011

A New Year and a New Website too

Kim and Jenny McClymont spent New Year here at The Drip, staying in the almost finished  upstairs guest room. Not only did Kim continue work on the dam he designed to slow  the waterflow, trapping silt and flood debris and thus easing erosion in the gully but he also made  another suggestion based on his experience in management with the NSW National Parks service.

As a result of Kim's input  we are now working on a new website which will  be the Standard Operating Procedures for The Drip.  There is a lot of stuff going on here and having a manual like this will be so helpful, not just for us but especially for guests who are not familiar with the in s and outs of life in the country.  The website will include relevant photos, maps, diagrams, plans, useful links etc.
The  online manual will not be accessible to the general public but  will be limited exclusively to password holders.  Family and friends with access to the site will be able to update the content, contributing to the development of  the operating manual and,  as we now are getting more and more visitors here, people will also be able to use an online calendar to check accommodation availability and  book times that they would like to stay at The Drip.

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