Sunday, January 9, 2011


Peter and Jay have been busy in the cottage garden  getting things back in order after  record rainfall, floods, explosions of weeds, snakes and a general crappiness that overtook everything  over the past few months.

This has prompted us to rethink the design of the old cottage garden to make it more sustainable in the future.  Clive has come up with an excellent solution.

The original design, typical of the 1870 gold-rush gardens of  Gulgong , as described in Trevor Nottle's book which we have here in the Library, is historically significant . We will keep some elements such as the quartz edgings but move the garden on into the twenty first century with a more spacious and elegant layout,  gravel mulches and appropriate and tough plantings such as the day lilies and poppies.

1 comment:

  1. After an enormous day of weed pulling I must say that Jay and I certainly felt it by the end of the day, and a much appreciated meal prepared by Clive and Michael at the end of the day went down a treat.
    There is still much work to be done in the cottage garden alone, but, with the new ideas for the layout it should prove more manageable.
    we are all looking forward to a very productive 2011. Peter
